
Welcome to Little Ben's amazing blog of Media Studies school work...

Sunday 6 January 2008


Digitality- this is effectively the binery code which every software and programme, on your computer, are run on. The codes are needed to run things off your computer like a digital camera or an mp3 player.

Interactivity- new way to stream information like Broadband, satellites etc. Better than other sources of streaming as it is much quicker.

Hypertextuality- you can pick and choose where in, for example, a dvd you start watching or stop. It is now out of the control of the company that produces the film of what order you watch the film.

Dispersal- this is how types of information is shared.

Virtuality- its like iconography because its about how real things are and the reality of situations.

Convergance- theory that new media technologies are using a combination of two or more old technologies to create one single small device that is capable of perfoming both old technologies functions. E.g.phones with pictures and camera's on.

Other topics to consider...

Audience- how do people use technology? why? has it changed over time?

Regulations & Control- who's doing the controlling? should there be any control. wht do they do about copyright issues? what are the implications? is it realistically possible to control?

Ownership- who actually owns the technology itself? does this matter? any impact of who owns it? competing within technologies?

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