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Monday 28 April 2008

Beware the Dark Side - The Perils of New Media Technologies (Gavin Luhrs)

Why is consumerism a concept central to this unit?
New media technologies are driven by consumerisation. "Average household spending on new media has risen dramatically in the last ten years, something you could probably observe in your own household." It is clear that people purchase a lot more new media as interactivity and personalisation has been introduced. The constant and regular purchase of mobile phones, multi-channel, TV, broadband subscriptions, and online gaming subscriptions are ever increasing. 10 years ago these products or services either didn’t exist or were considered luxuries, but are now widely recognized as ‘essentials’ for modern existence.

How do we often "unwittingly give up our privacy"?
As new media technologies have provided new services and open doors to designers who are now able to be a lot more creative, our privacy has come under scrutiny. "Google has the ability to remember every search you’ve made, Amazon remembers the items you’ve browsed on its site, supermarkets know what you’ve bought; your ISP can track the websites that you visit; the list is long. By taking advantage of the opportunities new media technologies offer, we often unwittingly give up our privacy."

What health and environental issues does NMTs pose?
We all contribute to environmental disaster in some form or another. Production is a pretentious topic because, world-wide, we are known for the rapid discarding of the latest must-have gadget. "In the UK one million tonnes of electronic waste is generated each year, much of it full of hazardous substances."

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